
Congo Belge en images

by Carl De Keyzer and Johan Lagae


Congo Belge en images consists of scans made from original glass plates photographed between 1890 and 1908. The making of the Belgian colony. The Royal Museum for Central Africa in Tervuren, Belgium gave us (Johan Lagae and myself) the liberty to use the entire archive of that period. A unique opportunity. The idea was to create an imaginary photographer who documented this period, choosing images that I could have made respecting style and composition (as much as possible). In reality these original images were made by mostly anonymous adventurers, military and civil servants. I treated these scans as they were my own, resulting in large modern prints without scratches and dust.

This book is part of a 2 book project about the former Belgian colony. Past and present.

Congo (Belge)

Text by Johan Lagae.